You can also find the news feed for our mods here, which updates each time a new post is made about one of our releases.
Be aware that our mods are designed for multiplayer usage and you may find issues when switching units or reloading singleplayer saved games. While we’re not against updating them to support such functionality, we’re stretched for time and can’t investigate those issues ourselves. If you’d like to contribute towards singleplayer compatibility fixes for any of the mods that run into such issues, please feel free to do so and submit it to us – naturally, you’ll be credited for any fixes.
Arma 3
ShackTac Map Gestures is a standalone mod and requires the entire server to use it for proper functionality.
Arma 2
Note that our Arma 2 mods are essentially frozen at this point in time, with our efforts going to Arma 3 modding.