Thematically similar to “Paradrop!”, Operation Mongoose is a fantastic mission created for ACE by Homer Johnston and Macolik, tested and played extensively at ShackTac. You can download it and check it out in this forum post on the BIS forums. Many cool gameplay elements exist in it, and the overall experience is a ton of fun. Definitely recommended to those who want an intense teamwork-heavy ACE experience.
Advanced Combat Environment (ACE) mod now available!
The phenomenal Advanced Combat Environment mod is now available for ArmA1! You can find more information in this forum post on the BIS forums. Enjoy!
The Airborne Invasion of North Sahrani – an ArmA AAR
I’ve written a new after-action report based on ShackTac’s experiences in a fantastic new ArmA mission. This is the first one I’ve published on the site since Dec of 2006 – I hope you all enjoy it.
The article can be found here.

ArmA v1.09 and Voice-Over-IP
Information about the VOIP feature in ArmA v1.09, as experienced by ShackTac, can be found in this little article here. Included are videos of full missions played through with the VOIP as well as some pretty awesome outtakes.
ArmA TTP Mentioned in PC Gamer UK
The ShackTac ArmA Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide has made an appearance in PC Gamer UK’s July issue. This is the third time one of my articles has shown up in the magazine, thanks to Craig Pearson. Click on the thumbnail for a larger version.
ArmA Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures now available in print
The ShackTac ArmA Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide is now available in print. This is a full-color, 160+ page, perfect-bound 8.5×11 book designed by ShackTac’er Mofo8. He did a fantastic job, too!